“I don’t want this wall” It was 1972. The client only knew what did not want. Nothing more. We tore that wall down in order to put up the first Nordwall mobile wall, thus giving the space flexibility and movement. Over the years and as we accumulated experience, our paradigm shifted: We set out to look for
wishes we could anticipate in order to offer clients a sensation of wellbeing.
Nordwall’s story is filled with successful partnerships and great projects carried out all over the world. A modern business is able to interpret market trends and define standards of excellence for the creation of collective environments.
Our product:
The definition of demountable has evolved over time, and has come to represent solutions that define spaces and bring people together at the same time.
Identifying ourselves with our customers, we have managed to enhance the advantages our product can offer within the market from a design and technological point of view.
Each product range has specific and well-defined features that, taken individually and combined with each other, are conceived to offer the best possible solution for the project layout, thus adding value to the whole.
To us, quality means meeting the design and logistical commitments made with the client, emphasizing the emotional and creative expression generated by a high-quality design. This allows us to create exclusive, customized spaces for each client.
Per noi la qualità significa soddisfare gli impegni progettuali e logistici presi con il cliente, enfatizzando l’espressione emozionale e creativa frutto di un design di alta qualità. Questo ci permette di ideare spazi esclusivi su misura diversi per ogni cliente.Farsi ispirare dalla natura nella progettazione architettonica ci aiuta a ridurre l'impatto ambientale dei nostri edifici con un processo continuo di ricerca di nuove soluzioni innovative. In questo processo ci abituiamo a guardare con rispetto ai meccanismi dell'ambiente ed ai suoi equilibri. La nostra strategia di progetto è quella di definire per prima cosa il benefit che si vuole offrire, per poi trovare la soluzione migliore per realizzarlo.

Being inspired by nature in architectural design helps us to reduce the environmental impact of our buildings through a continuous research process for innovative solutions. In this process, we get used to looking with due respect to the mechanisms of the environment and its natural balances.
Our project strategy consists of first defining the benefit we want to offer, so we can then find the best solution to achieve it. Farsi ispirare dalla natura nella progettazione architettonica ci aiuta a ridurre l'impatto ambientale dei nostri edifici con un processo continuo di ricerca di nuove soluzioni innovative. In questo processo ci abituiamo a guardare con rispetto ai meccanismi dell'ambiente ed ai suoi equilibri. La nostra strategia di progetto è quella di definire per prima cosa il benefit che si vuole offrire, per poi trovare la soluzione migliore per realizzarlo.

In the social imaginary, architectural space is normally sub-divided by traditional masonry walls. The challenge consists of imagining alternative dividing walls.
Technology allows us to use plate glass to bring visual added value to the project.

Service and Communications:
Market saturation and competitiveness make net diversification among different products difficult. The “plus” we offer through our projects is a high level of customization.
In every phase of the project, the creation and cooperation process with our clients is very important. This is what makes Nordwall’s services so unique and why we want to make it known by promoting the ideas we believe in and sharing them with our partners.